Friday, August 31, 2012

First Day of School

Brenna started 4th grade this week. Her first day she came home and threw her hands up and said "I love school. I love my class, my first day was Awesome, awesome, AWESOME!" She has Mrs. Robinson this year. I went to grade school thru high school with her teacher and think she will be great for Brenna. I believe she will be a great motivator. This is Brenna on her first day.

Carlee started Kindergarten on Thursday. Staggered start this week meant she only went one day. She is disgusted that she has to wait 5 days to go to school again. She is very excited to be going to school again. She has Ms Shaw and is at Willow school. Here is a pic of Bren, Carlee and Gage our 3 month old lab on Carlee's first day.

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